Store Guide

会員登録 / Member Registration


If you register as a member, your future purchases can be smoothly processed without the need to enter delivery information and other details again.
In addition, you can accumulate points and enjoy shopping even more.

会員登録 / Registration

国内配送料 / Domestic shipping fee



地方 都道府県 配送料
〜800mm 〜1200mm 〜1600mm 〜2000mm 〜2500mm 〜3000mm 〜3500mm 〜4000mm 〜4500mm
北海道 北海道 ¥1,800 ¥2,400 ¥3,100 ¥4,800 ¥13,000 ¥19,000 ¥30,000 ¥38,000 ¥50,000
東北 青森県 ¥1,400 ¥2,000 ¥2,700 ¥4,400 ¥10,000 ¥15,000 ¥23,000 ¥30,000 ¥39,000
岩手県 ¥1,400 ¥2,000 ¥2,700 ¥4,400 ¥9,000 ¥13,000 ¥20,000 ¥27,000 ¥35,000
宮城県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥9,000 ¥12,000 ¥18,000 ¥25,000 ¥32,000
秋田県 ¥1,400 ¥2,000 ¥2,700 ¥4,400 ¥10,000 ¥14,000 ¥22,000 ¥29,000 ¥37,000
山形県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥9,000 ¥12,000 ¥18,000 ¥25,000 ¥32,000
福島県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥8,000 ¥12,000 ¥17,000 ¥24,000 ¥31,000
関東 茨城県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥8,000 ¥11,000 ¥17,000 ¥24,000 ¥31,000
栃木県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥8,000 ¥11,000 ¥17,000 ¥24,000 ¥31,000
群馬県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥8,000 ¥11,000 ¥17,000 ¥24,000 ¥31,000
埼玉県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥8,000 ¥11,000 ¥17,000 ¥24,000 ¥31,000
千葉県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥8,000 ¥11,000 ¥17,000 ¥24,000 ¥31,000
東京都 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥8,000 ¥11,000 ¥17,000 ¥24,000 ¥31,000
神奈川県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥8,000 ¥11,000 ¥17,000 ¥24,000 ¥31,000
中部 新潟県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥9,000 ¥12,000 ¥18,000 ¥25,000 ¥32,000
富山県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥9,000 ¥12,000 ¥18,000 ¥25,000 ¥33,000
石川県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥9,000 ¥12,000 ¥18,000 ¥25,000 ¥33,000
福井県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥9,000 ¥13,000 ¥19,000 ¥27,000 ¥35,000
山梨県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥8,000 ¥11,000 ¥17,000 ¥24,000 ¥31,000
長野県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥8,000 ¥12,000 ¥17,000 ¥24,000 ¥31,000
岐阜県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥9,000 ¥12,000 ¥18,000 ¥25,000 ¥32,000
静岡県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥8,000 ¥11,000 ¥17,000 ¥24,000 ¥31,000
愛知県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥9,000 ¥12,000 ¥18,000 ¥25,000 ¥32,000
近畿 三重県 ¥1,300 ¥1,900 ¥2,600 ¥3,800 ¥9,000 ¥12,000 ¥18,000 ¥25,000 ¥33,000
滋賀県 ¥1,400 ¥2,000 ¥2,700 ¥4,400 ¥9,000 ¥12,000 ¥18,000 ¥25,000 ¥33,000
京都府 ¥1,400 ¥2,000 ¥2,700 ¥4,400 ¥9,000 ¥13,000 ¥20,000 ¥27,000 ¥35,000
大阪府 ¥1,400 ¥2,000 ¥2,700 ¥4,400 ¥9,000 ¥13,000 ¥20,000 ¥27,000 ¥35,000
兵庫県 ¥1,400 ¥2,000 ¥2,700 ¥4,400 ¥9,000 ¥13,000 ¥20,000 ¥27,000 ¥35,000
奈良県 ¥1,400 ¥2,000 ¥2,700 ¥4,400 ¥9,000 ¥12,000 ¥18,000 ¥25,000 ¥33,000
和歌山県 ¥1,400 ¥2,000 ¥2,700 ¥4,400 ¥10,000 ¥14,000 ¥22,000 ¥29,000 ¥37,000
中国 鳥取県 ¥1,500 ¥2,200 ¥2,800 ¥4,600 ¥10,000 ¥15,000 ¥23,000 ¥30,000 ¥39,000
島根県 ¥1,500 ¥2,200 ¥2,800 ¥4,600 ¥10,000 ¥16,000 ¥25,000 ¥31,000 ¥41,000
岡山県 ¥1,500 ¥2,200 ¥2,800 ¥4,600 ¥10,000 ¥15,000 ¥23,000 ¥30,000 ¥39,000
広島県 ¥1,500 ¥2,200 ¥2,800 ¥4,600 ¥10,000 ¥16,000 ¥25,000 ¥31,000 ¥41,000
山口県 ¥1,500 ¥2,200 ¥2,800 ¥4,600 ¥11,000 ¥17,000 ¥25,000 ¥33,000 ¥43,000
四国 徳島県 ¥1,500 ¥2,200 ¥2,800 ¥4,600 ¥10,000 ¥14,000 ¥22,000 ¥29,000 ¥37,000
香川県 ¥1,500 ¥2,200 ¥2,800 ¥4,600 ¥10,000 ¥15,000 ¥24,000 ¥31,000 ¥39,000
愛媛県 ¥1,500 ¥2,200 ¥2,800 ¥4,600 ¥10,000 ¥16,000 ¥25,000 ¥31,000 ¥41,000
高知県 ¥1,500 ¥2,200 ¥2,800 ¥4,600 ¥10,000 ¥16,000 ¥25,000 ¥31,000 ¥41,000
九州 福岡県 ¥1,800 ¥2,400 ¥3,300 ¥4,800 ¥12,000 ¥17,000 ¥27,000 ¥35,000 ¥45,000
佐賀県 ¥1,800 ¥2,400 ¥3,300 ¥4,800 ¥12,000 ¥17,000 ¥27,000 ¥35,000 ¥45,000
長崎県 ¥1,800 ¥2,400 ¥3,300 ¥4,800 ¥13,000 ¥18,000 ¥29,000 ¥36,000 ¥47,000
熊本県 ¥1,800 ¥2,400 ¥3,300 ¥4,800 ¥13,000 ¥18,000 ¥29,000 ¥36,000 ¥47,000
大分県 ¥1,800 ¥2,400 ¥3,300 ¥4,800 ¥12,000 ¥17,000 ¥27,000 ¥35,000 ¥45,000
宮崎県 ¥1,800 ¥2,400 ¥3,300 ¥4,800 ¥14,000 ¥20,000 ¥31,000 ¥41,000 ¥53,000
鹿児島県 ¥1,800 ¥2,400 ¥3,300 ¥4,800 ¥14,000 ¥20,000 ¥31,000 ¥41,000 ¥53,000
沖縄 沖縄県 ¥2,100 ¥3,360 ¥4,680 ¥7,000 ¥19,000 ¥30,000 ¥46,000 発送不可 発送不可

海外配送料 / International shipping fee


For international shipping, the shipping fee will be calculated separately after placing your order, and we will contact you with the details.
If you would like to know the shipping fee in advance, please contact us using the form below.

お問合せ / Contact